It’s been a hot minute

I’m not even gonna try to explain the last 3 years. Ok, just a little…

I have been stuck in fucking blog purgatory, not writing what comes to mind because a) as a blogger, I should be taking beautifully staged and professionally edited photos, not writing random thoughts from my bathtub at 4 am. I’m in my bathtub at 4 am and not taking pictures of my toes. Just no! We can deal with that, no?

There was at least one more point about my reluctance to blog. I can’t think of it right now, so moving on!

I’m doing my best to write stories my way and ignore other people’s expectations. Yah! You included. … I tell stories; I paint with words; I play with fabric; I have no interest in seo or influencing; I cuss like a fucking sailor on shore leave in a logging camp; the only pictures I take are crappy ones of my cats, and my neighbours’ plants; I can never find a pair of scissors when I need one.

My bath water is getting too cold, so I’m off to find a square foot on my bed and join the slumber party. Oh hell! I’m not even editing this post. Maybe tomorrow… And that is still a no on bathtub pics. Hard no!

Have a good night or good day wherever you are! And wear a goddamn mask ffs!


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Trying Something (Sorta) New-ish — February

What does your brain need you to try?

I took on this challenge at the start of the year and didn’t quite get around to the English Paper Piecing I planned to learn for January. I just wasn’t motivated enough to make a bunch of hexies, because what will I do with hexies? And I spent most of the month in my doctor’s office anyway. She sends her regards.

This month, the theme was to try something tactile, like pottery, soap or candlemaking. I had really hoped to resurrect Patrick Swayze for one last dance around the pottery wheel, but alas! I had no clay to get dirty with and all of Montreal’s mud is frozen solid in February.

With pottery fantasies no longer being an option, I scaled back on the goal and cleaned up my act with something I had tried once before: Homemade Bath Salts.

Homemade bath salts --


The setup here is very important. Even if you forget one of the ingredients and have to run out to the store after you’ve started, that’s better than forgetting to pour yourself a glass of Moscato. See how I’ve got wine but no milk powder?

So, for approximately 4 cups (1 litre) of this yummy me-time goodness, here’s what you’ll need:

  • 1.5 cups sea salt
  • 1.5 cups epsom salts
  • 0.5 cup powdered whole milk
  • 0.5 cup baking soda
  • 24 drops of essential oil (I made 3 separate batches: Lavender, Eucalyptus, and Rose)
  • Food colouring (Optional, but it keeps me from opening all the jars every time I want to take a bath.)
  • 1 large glass or ceramic bowl (No need to worry about food contamination because all of this stuff is ok to consume in small amounts.)
  • Mixing spoon or spatula (Did I really have to tell you this, as if you were planning to mix it with your thumb?)

Step 1: Pour the Moscato and take a few sips. (Pretty obvious!)

Step 1.5: Dash to the store for the powdered milk. My store was out of whole milk and I had to buy the skim crap. At that price, I want fat in my milk!! [Insert childish tantrum here.]

Homemade bath salts --

Ingredients: Take 2

Step 2: Mix together the baking soda and milk powder until you run out of lumps to squash.

Step 3: Add epsom salts and mix well.

Step 4: Drink some more wine.

Step 5: This is where you get to play with colour theory. (Oops! this was supposed to be Step 2, but the disappearing Magic Moscato got me confused. Anyway, we can still make this work.) … Mix a bunch of your food colouring together until you get the nice pretty colour that lets you know at a glance which oils you put in your concoction. If you’re doing lavender scented salts, my sympathies; that shit will not come out with the right colour no matter what you do!

Step 6: Stir the dry mixture and the food colouring mixture together (makes no difference which one you did first) until the colour is more or less uniform. Do not add Moscato at this stage!

Homemade bath salts --

All done! Brrrrrrrr…

Step 7: Add the dili… dele… deely… yummy smelzing essential oil to your misccature and stir it, baking sherrr that you don’t splim… slip… spill any.

Step 8: Salt it! So, after the room stops spinning, put the course sea salt in and mix it up.

Step 9: Fill up the air tight jars (the ones I conveniently forgot to mention ahead of time) and label them if you skipped the food colouring.

Step 10: Go outside in -12C, wearing a tank top and house slippers to photograph your … scratch that! It’s just my curse.

That’s pretty much it. Now, I’d love to stay and chat with you a little longer but I have a hot date with a tub of veeeery hot water… and maybe another glass, but who’s counting?

Marsha Law Sig2


PS. It’s ok if the cat drinks your bathwater. He’ll get over it after a few trips to the litter.

PPS. If the measurements are off, don’t blame me. It was the wine. But close enough is good enough.

Homemade bath salts --

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